Friday, January 10, 2014

A little bit of house keeping

It sure has been awhile. 

Things have been quiet on the home front for a few months now and I do apologize for that. The rush of graduate school and tying up some loose ends with our projects was a bit overwhelming, and some things got pushed aside. However, I'm trying to make good on that now! 

I want to try and get back into the habit of keeping up with everything sizzlemoth related on the social media side of things. The behind-the-scene stuff is still moving along.. The final prototype for Double Up is just about finished! So that's exciting.

We've also been throwing around ideas for our next game(s) and what we want to work on. Basically, things are getting back into gear with the moth. Now that I know what to expect from grad school and what my time commitment is going to be like, it'll be easier to manage my time and make sure everything is being taken care of. 

As you can see, first order of business was a bit of a redesign on the blog. I like the way this looks a bit better, and I find blogger to be more user friendly. 

There will be a proper update very soon from us, but I just wanted to post this to show some signs of life. We'll be back at it very soon! Thanks for sticking around!


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